We have received reports that users with Outlook/Exchange as their email client have not been able to receive exports that have previously been delivering to their inbox without issue. After an investigation, mail administrators have been able to find these emails in the user's spam quarantine inbox. As this process relies on a customer's mail client to accept our emails, we kindly ask you and your mail administrator to troubleshoot using some of these following steps.
- Add the no-reply subdomain email to your personal Safe Senders list. For example if your subdomain is example.uservoice.com, then your email would be no-reply+example@feedback-poweredby.uservoice.com
- Have an email administrator add the same email address to the Safe Senders list for your company, so all admins can receive exports.
- Have an email administrator enable Plus Addressing in their Exchange Online organization.
- For export emails, if your organization uses Safe Link policies, add the link below to the "Do not rewrite URLs" list
Please let us know if issues are still occurring after following these steps.
If you have submitted an export and need one as soon as possible, please reach out to support@uservoice.com and we can send you the latest export link in a support ticket.