We will email the privacy contact about the following:
User Erasure and Access Report
- Daily digest of users who have exercised their right in the last 24 hours to delete their profile, or requested an export of their data. If they choose to delete, once the email is sent the data is no longer stored in our system. This enables your privacy contact to take any actions necessary when a user deletes their personal data on your UserVoice site.
- Third Party Processors
- Privacy Policy
- Breach Notifications
How to Add the Privacy Contact
The privacy contact on your account is the Owner, but you can update that to another email address:
- In UserVoice Discovery, click the Settings icon in the bottom left corner
- Click "General"
- Scroll down and click "Account, billing and usage"
- On "Organization Name and Website" click "Edit"
- Enter your privacy contact email. It will default to the Owner's email address, but you can enter another email address for the account.
Common Questions
Q: Where do I learn about UserVoice's GDPR compliance?
Q: Where can I learn more about UserVoice's privacy policy?
Q: Can I have more than one privacy contact?
A: No, not at this time. If you would like to see us add this feature, please share your feedback on our forums.
Q: If I don't enter an email, who will it default to?
A: The primary account owner