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This article covers the different fields that are included primarily in the Regular Export (Ideas only) and Analysis Export (Ideas & Voters). Any custom fields will not be reflected in this article.
Note: In December 2019, we updated our terminology in our user interface from Suggestion to Idea and Supporter to Voter. The export fields may not reflect this change.
Note: In Sept 2022, we updated our export field names to reflect simpler terminology to aid our new feature of selecting which fields you wish to export for the Regular Export & Analysis Export. Any custom fields may not reflect updated names, but will be recognized as "cv" for Custom Value.
Ideas Only Export
- Idea ID: Unique ID of the idea
- Idea Title: Publicly visible title of idea
- Idea Description: Publicly visible description of idea
- Description Mime Type: While included in the export, this column is blank
- Portal URL: Unique URL of idea on web portal for end-users
- Admin Console URL: Unique URL of idea in admin console for admins
- Created Timestamp: Time that the idea was created.
- Created User Agent: The full user agent string in the HTTP request for the idea creator.
- Referrer Link: Referrer URL for created idea.
- Browser: The browser name for the idea creator.
- Browser Version: The browser version number for the idea creator.
- OS Version: The operating system for the idea creator.
- Created on Mobile: True or false whether the idea was created via our mobile SDK.
- Moderation State: Approved or published. Approved means it went to moderation and was approved by an admin. Published means it didn't go through moderation and is on the web portal.
- Idea Channel: The source of where the idea came from
- Inappropriate Flags Count: Number of times idea has been flagged as inappropriate by end-users.
- Last Updated Timestamp: Timestamp for when idea is updated.
- Closed Timestamp: Timestamp for when idea receives a closed status.
- Comments Count: Number of comments on a idea.
- Notes Count: Number of admin (internal) notes on a idea.
- Votes Count: The number of votes (legacy).
- Request Count : Number of pieces of feedback captured from sidebar, in admin console, feedback import or zendesk app.
- Supporters Count: Number of voters.
- Supporting Accounts Count: Number of accounts supporting on the idea.
- Total Revenue: Sum of the MRR for the accounts that have voters on the idea
- Average Customer Activity: New voters, feedback, and comments normalized to 30 days.
- Recent Customer Activity: New voters, feedback, and comments in the last 30 days.
- Customer Activity Trend: ((Recent customer activity / Average customer activity) - 1) * 100
Names & ID
- Forum ID: Unique ID of the forum the idea is in.
- Category ID: Unique ID of the category the idea is in.
- Parent ID: If the idea is merged into another, this will be the unique idea ID of the idea it is merged into, i.e. the parent.
- Ticket ID: When an idea is converted to a ticket, this is the unique ID of that ticket. (Legacy HelpDesk only).
- Idea Creator ID: Unique ID of the idea creator.
- Idea Creator Name: Display name of the idea creator.
- Idea Creator Email Address: Email address of the idea creator.
- User SSO ID: GUID (if using SSO) of the idea creator.
- Label ID: The IDs of the labels on the idea.
- Forum Name: The forum the idea is in.
- Category Name: The category the idea is in.
- Labels: Names of applied labels to the idea.
NPS Fields (Pro Plan add-on)
- Supporters NPS: NPS of the voters of the idea.
- NPS Detractors: Number of voters on the idea who are also detractors (NPS).
- NPS Promoters: Number of voters on the idea who are also promoters (NPS).
- NPS Passive: Number of voters on the idea who are also passives (NPS).
Learn more about our NPS widget (add-on for pro and premium plan).
Public Status Fields
- Public Status ID: Unique ID of the status of the idea.
- Public Status Name: Name of idea's current public status.
- Status Update ID: Unique ID of the public status of the idea.
- Public Status Update Message: Body of the message of the most recent public status update on the idea.
- Public Status Updated Timestamp: Timestamp of the last public status update on the idea.
- Public Status Creator ID: Unique ID of the user who made the last public status update on the idea.
- Public Status Creator Name: Name of the user who made the last public status update on the idea.
- Public Status Creator Email Address: Email address of the user who made the last public status update on the idea.
Segment Fields
Custom segment fields created.
- {Segment Name} Vote Count: Number of voters in this segment for the idea.
- {Segment Name} Supporting Accounts: Number of accounts in this segment for the idea.
- {Segment Name} Total Revenue: Sum of the MRR for the accounts in the segment that have voters on the idea.
Jira/ADO Integration Fields
- Linked Jira Issues: URL of linked Jira card.
- Jira Status Update Timestamp: Timestamp for last update on Jira card.
- Linked ADO Work Items: URL of linked ADO task.
- ADO Updated Timestamp: Timestamp for last update on ADO task.
Internal Status Fields
- Internal Status Update ID: Unique ID of the internal status of the idea.
- Internal Status Name: Name of the idea's current internal status.
- Internal Status Update ID: Unique ID of the last status update event.
- Internal Status Update Message: Body of the message of thte most recent internal status update on the idea.
- Internal Status Update Timestamp: Timestamp of the last internal status update on the idea.
- Internal Status Update Creator ID: Unique ID of the user who made the last public status update on the idea.
- Internal Status Update Creator Name: Name of the user who made the last internal status update on the idea.
Ideas & Voters Export
In addition the above fields, these basic fields are included.
User Profile Fields
Note that these fields are different than the Idea Creator fields, seen above. These are in relation to what activity (vote, feedback, comment, idea etc.) the user is attributed to creating.
- User ID : Unique ID of the supporter.
- User Name: Display name of the supporter.
- User Email Address: Email address of the supporter.
- Job Title: Job title of the idea creator. Can only be set by licensed users.
- User Created Timestamp: Timestamp that the creator of the idea was created.
- User Last Updated: Timestamp of the last update to the user who created the idea.
- Last Login: Timestamp of the last time the idea creator logged in.
User Location
- IP Address: IP address of the idea creator.
- Country: Country of the idea creator (determined by users IP).
- Region: Region within the country of the idea creator (determined by users IP).
- City: City of the idea creator (determined by users IP).
NPS Fields (Pro Plan add-on)
- NPS Rating: Idea creator's overall NPS.
- NPS Group: Detractor, neutral or promoter of idea creator (overall).
- Last NPS Rating: Timestamp of the idea creators last NPS rating.
- Previous NPS Rating: Value (0-10) of the idea creators previous NPS.
- Previous NPS Group: Detractor, neutral or promoter of idea creator's previous rating.
- Previous NPS Timestamp: Timestamp of idea creator's previous NPS rating.
Learn more about our NPS widget (add-on for pro and premium plan).
- Account ID: Account ID of the user.
- Account Name: Account Name. Blank if no value passed.
- Account Creation Date: Timestamp account was created in customer's system. Blank if no value passed.
- Account Revenue: Revenue of account. Blank if no value passed.
- Account LTV: Lifetime value of an account. Blank if no value passed.
- Account Plan: Plan of account. Blank if no value passed.
External User Standard and Custom Fields (Premium plan)
- External User ID: Account ID of the user.
- External User Name: Standard user field. Blank if no value passed.
- External User Type: Standard user field. Blank if no value passed.
- External User Creation Date: Created_at field for user. Will default to first time UV saw the user if no value passed.
- user.external_user.cf_{custom field key}:User custom field passed via the api or widget. Blank if no value is passed.
Learn more about User Standard and Custom Fields(premium plan).
Link Suggestion User Fields
What does the Link Suggestion mean? Represents the link between a user and an idea.
- Idea User ID: The ID of the object that connects a specific voter to a specific idea.
- Subscribed: whether or not the user is a voter on the idea.
- Linked Idea Creation Date: The timestamp of when the user voted for the idea.
- Feedback ID: Unique ID of feedback captured.
- Feedback Description: Body of the message for the feedback provided.
- Feedback Capturer: Unique ID of the user who captured feedback.
- Feedback Captured By: Name of user of who captured the feedback.
- Feedback Captured By Email Address: Email address of user who captured feedback.
- Feedback Captured Team: Team name of user who captured feedback. Blank if no team assigned.
Salesforce Connector Integration only (Premium Plan)
With the Salesforce Connector set up, these fields will be available.
- Account Status
- Account Type
- Company Size
- Company Industry
Learn more about Salesforce Integration (Premium plan)
Salesforce Feedback & Opportunity Integration only (Premium Plan)
With the Salesforce Sidebar set up, these fields will be available.
- % Opportunities Won
- % Revenue Won
- Lost Opportunities
- Lost Revenue
- Open Opportunities
- Potential Revenue
- Opportunity ID
Learn more about Salesforce Sidebar Integration (Premium plan)