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Custom Fields for your Roadmap allow you to add data to your features like development effort, impact rating, links to mockups, or other data points relevant to your team.
Note: Feature Custom Fields are separate from User and Account Custom Fields. If you are looking for User and Account Custom Fields please see this article.
Creating Your Custom Fields
Before you can use custom fields in the Roadmap, you must first create the Custom Fields in your Settings. We'll walk you through how to do that.
Navigate to the Custom Fields Tab
- Click the "Roadmap" icon (board icon) in the left-hand menu
- Click the "Settings" icon (gear) in the top-right.
- Click the tab titled "Feature Custom Fields"
- Click "Create a Custom Field"
Create your Custom Field
- Field Type: Pick the one that best suits the type of data you will store in this field.
- Text: Best for names of people, releases, email addresses, etc.
- Multi-line Text: Best for longer descriptions and notes (*not sortable in the Feature list)
- Number: Best for cost/benefit ratings, monetary values, etc. (*can be edited from the Feature list and used the Feature Scores and Charts)
- Select List: Best for limited or standardized text options - names of specific people, releases, email addresses, etc. (*can be edited from the Feature list)
- Select List (numeric values): Best for limited or standardized number options. (*can be edited from the Feature list and used in Feature Scores and Charts)
- Date and Time: Best for storing timestamps of events like activation or renewal dates
- Boolean: Best for true/false values such as "Reviewed by PM?"
- URL Field: Best for storing links to things outside of UserVoice like spec documents, designs, or tasks in another system.
- Label: The name of your field and what will show in the UI, Score and Segment Builders.
Once you choose your Type, click "next" and then save.
*Note: Feature Custom Fields are shared by all admins on your account. Deleting a Custom Field will delete all data in that field, and this action cannot be undone.
Adding Data to your Custom Fields
Now that you have your Custom Fields created, you can start adding data for each of feature on your Roadmap.
Use Custom Fields to Prioritize your Features for your Roadmap
When viewing features in the list view, you can sort by your Custom Fields to see the features ordered by those values (except for multi-line fields which cannot be used to sort).
Numeric Custom Fields can be used to create Scores which help you compare Features against each other based on criteria that you define. Learn more about Scores here.
Common Questions
Q: Are Custom Fields visible to internal teams when I share my Roadmap?A: Custom Fields are only visible to admins in UserVoice. Internal Teams you share your Roadmap with will not see Custom Fields.
Q: Can I create Custom Fields on a per-admin basis?
A: At this time, Feature Custom Fields are always shared between all admins on an account.
Q: I accidentally deleted a Custom Field. Can it be recovered?
A: Unfortunately, once a field is deleted, we cannot recover it.
Q: I don't see the Roadmap icon on my account?
A: If you're on the latest version of UserVoice, please verify with the Owner of your Account (the person on your team that has billing and settings access) that you have the necessary permissions for Roadmap.