Note: Email Authentication re-enabled passwords beginning September 29th, 2021. If this is your first time logging in since the implementation of passwords and you have previously signed in with Email Authentication via Magic Link, you will need to create a new password. This process is the same as "Forgot Password". If you are having to type in your name or agree to Terms of Service (i.e., create an account), then you have not previously used Email Authentication. You sign-in using another method.
Receiving "Invalid email or password" error? -- Follow the steps below.
Forgot Your Password?
- In the sign-in menu, click "Forgot Password" underneath the password box.
- In the next screen, type in the email and click "Verify Email".
- You may be presented here with a request to "Register your device to continue". This is a security feature that helps protect end-users from sophisticated phishing techniques.
- Confirm this authentication step from the email Magic has sent you. You do not need to refresh or close the UserVoice page you were working from.
- Once confirmed, you will be sent a secondary email shortly thereafter. You do not need to refresh any pages.
- On the UserVoice page, you will be presented with digits to confirm via your email.
- Magic will send an email to you for you to authenticate yourself with these digits in a separate tab.
- Click the link in the email and enter in the digits.
- Once accepted, navigate back to UserVoice and create your new password -- make sure you make it something you remember, or store it in somewhere safely. Click "Set Password".
- You will receive a confirmation message. Click "Go to Login" and will navigate you back to the original sign-in menu. Sign-in with your email and new password!
Note: If you have any issues with receiving the Magic Link in step 3, view our troubleshooting article.