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We often get into tricky situations where our customers write multiple suggestions on a singular idea, leaving us to interpret and guess what the customers want most.
Or, how do we navigate when our team has decided to complete one part of a two-part request on an idea. Do we not update the idea to "Complete"? Tell the customers "no" on the second part?
Now with ability to Split Ideas, you are able to an idea with multiple suggestions and break it apart for your users to vote more accurately on! With Split Ideas, you can split apart the section of the idea that is a "not now" for customers to continue to vote and be updated when it does become complete.
How to Split Ideas
- Find an idea that you wish to split into a secondary idea.
- In the idea's detail page, select the settings menu in the top right corner -> Split Idea.
- The "Split Idea" module will appear. In this module, the original idea's title, description, attachment(s), forum/category, and idea creator will automatically populate. You have the ability to edit and change these details to what best fits!
- In the split, comments, internal comments, votes, and subscribers are brought over into the secondary idea.
- You also have the option to subscribe the idea creator again, and notify subscribers of this event as well. This is a great way to let your users know that an idea was broken apart and they have already been subscribed to the secondary idea.
- The secondary idea may take a bit to populate all of it's contents -- refresh the page to continue working on the idea.
- We recommend utilizing public communications, such as a public status or emailing subscribers, to let them subscribers your intentions behind why you are splitting the idea!
Demo Video
Q: Can I split an idea into more than once?
A: You are able to split the "secondary" idea further, but you are not able to split the original idea more than once.